2022 Poetic Compilation
Join us as we take take a look at the question of science reaching a point of cloning, designing, and redefining human existence from a Biblical perspective. We are asking that all submissions be inspired by prayer and Bible study, but also informed and researched material. This poetry/writing contest regarding human genetic alteration, is open to the public and therefore not limited to any particular church, union, or conference. We do ask that all submission be in English since this will be published originally in North America.
Our poetic compilation book, Creatures of Creation, will address the near and imminent threat of the medical manipulation of the genetic coding of God's creation of "Man".
If your submission is selected to be part of Creatures of Creation, you will be listed as a contributing author, receive a copy of the book to keep, and share with family and friends, All rules that apply to membership and usage of this site apply to all submissions.
We periodically ask for member participation, one such project is a book of poetry we are looking to compile that addresses a very important issue: Scientific control of the human genome that allows medical or scientific personnel to alter and manipulate the human species. We are looking to answer the following questions from a Biblical perspective:
Who should have access to, control of, and be able to administer or apply this type of scientific knowledge, and why?
What checks and balances are in place to guard and guide such power?
What cost or value would be set on genetic preventative measures, cosmetic design, and life-saving applications? (If data and knowledge are truly the future of currency)
Why do the benefits outweigh the risks or visa-versa?
Could this science be applied in a harmless, egalitarian, manner to benefit any and every individual within any society and/or society as a whole?
How could it lead to the corruption and eventual extinction of the human race (without divine intervention)?
For more information about this or other literary projects, or to inquire about other volunteer or paid positions with 3 Angels Message Ministry, please click the button below...