We are Currently Under Construction
We will be up and running
(and wearing the full armor of God) shortly!
Many of us feel a call to fulfill our commission to seek and save the lost but have no idea how to start. We know because we love them, and we want to share what has brought us peace, joy, and hope, that we need to reach out to our family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.
Maybe some of us have tried and failed.
Our founder was inspired while in prayer on the way home from a camp meeting to use modern technology, scientific research, history, and logic to show the validity of our God the Father, our God the Son (The Word made flesh), and our God the Holy Spirit, which are one. This is only reinforced in the countless prayers, teachings, and examples to make us all one under that divine umbrella, what we affectionately refer to as the "family of God".
People are more willing to open their inbox than they are their doors. We offer the opportunity for those feeling the call to reach out to those divine appointments in their lives, in a non-invasive way.
3 Angels Message Ministry exists for one purpose, to share hope with a dying world one precious individual at a time. We accomplish our one purpose in 3 different ways.
Click the "Join Now" button above to find out more, no credit card or personal information is required. We are a not-for-profit ministry.